Contrary to what is taught in treatises or by many specialists, keratoconus is a condition of mechanical origin, caused by excessive eye rubbing. Eye friction is the key element in the pathogenesis of keratoconus which is synthesized in this video extract: Keratoconus explained: Full video here: visit:
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In patients complaining of a reduction in optical quality, aberrometry is a key investigation. It offers the possibility to segregate between low order aberrations, which can be corrected by spectacles, and higher-order aberrations, which explain most of the visual disturbances that persist despite spectacle correction. However, as we will see in this example of a […]
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No rub No cone by Damien Gatinel, MD, PhD, from the Rothschild Foundation, Paris, France. The word keratoconus originates from the Greek word “kéras” meaning cornea and the Latin word “cōnus” meaning cone. This denomination is purely descriptive however and does not suggest any mechanism to account for the corneal deformation which remains the hallmark of […]
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In this paper, Keratoconus What’s the rub, D Gatinel, CRST Europe, April 2017, I elaborate on the hypothesis that eye rubbing is the root cause of keratoconus. This is a more succinct report of some previously published material pointing toward eye rubbing as prime hit in the keratoconus affection. In my view, keratoconus is not a dystrophy […]
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